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MWF (Metal Wood Framing) is a 3rd party product from Strucsoft that can be used as an add on to Revit. We developed an integration feature between MWF and our ScotSteel and ScotRF software for Revit users to significantly reduce the design time for those customers currently using Revit as their main design platform.   The two main benefits are that it will allow customers to :

  1. Import a design from Revit (MWF) into ScotSteel and make framing additions without having to redraw the entire project
  2. Import a design from Revit (MWF) directly into out ScotRF software and run the frames

MWF are creating a webinar tutorial on how to use the software and the different plug ins available within ScotSteel.  

The plug-in will be sold by Strucsoft and the cost will be confirmed at time of release, but our initial discussions are that it will be priced around US$3,500 excluding training and support. 
There is no additional costs for the integration with our ScotSteel and ScotRF and is part of our next release due to market mid-September.  Once released we will also distribute all contact details for the people at MWF as well as a procedure flow chart.
If you have any further questions regarding this please contact Grant Murfin.