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After working for several years with the Scottsdale Team, Glen Deegan decided the time was right to put his acquired knowledge and entrepreneurial talents to practice.  In November 2018 Glen proudly opened the doors to his own business, Elite Steel Framing.


What led to the decision to leave the Scottsdale nest and venture out on your own? 
I was at a point where I was travelling around Australia and the world helping to set up other new start companies and was left wondering why I am not doing this myself. It’s been a long term goal for over 10 years now and the timing just felt right. All the ducks were in a line so to speak. With the new management on board and the current relationship that I have with everyone there it seemed like a no brainer.

What is it about the Scottsdale technology that you think give Elite Steel Framing the leading edge?
For me, with my experience predominantly being with the design program, this is where Elite Steel Framing will rise above. I feel there is no level of design that I can’t do with the Scotsteel program and the different ways we can combine our products.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs or even established businesses thinking of purchasing Scottsdale?
Do it. Take the leap. The support team and the new management that is in place there should be enough to ease your mind. With the new ownership taking place and the management now being able to offer the industry knowledge and “do’s & don’t do’s” we have learnt over the years building in steel, anyone that is new to the steel industry should feel at ease.

Why do you think LGS is the future of construction? 
The market for LGS is constantly growing. It’s becoming more and more popular for the high-end home builders, project builders and modular building systems. Almost all commercial buildings I see these days are using steel stud in them. Prices are now competitive with timber so a lot of people are choosing steel because they prefer the product.

Where do you see Elite Steel Framing in 5 years? 
I see us being a fully operational framing outfit, running 5 machines and pumping out quality steel frames, with high end residential builders being our target market. We will have a solid design team, servicing other SCS users design needs, locally and internationally. The main thing we will pride ourselves on is quality. Ultimately, I want people to be knocking on our door because the reputation in the industry is a quality service from design through to install.