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The Reluctance to Change 

For many builders and the general construction industry itself there has been a reluctance to change. The old adage “if it is not broke, don’t fix it” had definitely applied to the construction industry. In fact, it is one of the reasons why construction productivity gains have lagged behind other industries for the last half century. Technology innovations which allowed most other industries to change and have changed our entire lives have been ignored and untouched in construction. The only real innovation in construction was either in architecture or by scaling a supply chain. This reluctance to modernize the build process, particularly with the continuing shortage of skilled labor, has contributed to more than a decade of under-building, which has had a tremendous impact on housing affordability.



The Game Changer: Modular and Off-Site Construction

Modular and off-site construction is already being leveraged to address construction productivity and the skilled labor constraint while increasing the housing supply with higher-quality and more sustainably built residences and has finally started to gain popular acceptance. It is a true game changer and we at Scottsdale we have been through it, pioneered it and continue to perfect the process. It allows us to leapfrog from the unnecessarily elongated method of stick-framing to a proven process that reduces cycle time for the construction of low- and mid-rise structures and boosts productivity as well as production volume which enhances profits.

Scottsdale’s Role in Modernization

Scottsdale Steel Frames and our team have been a part of this moderization and the push for off-site solutions for over sixty years including the creation of technology platforms and manufacturing techniques to support it. It is using this technology and platform that we have enabled and will continue to drive to transform and disrupt construction. Increased demand for our technological design and engineering innovations that offer budget, schedule, and risk predictability of the final product while meeting our mission of faster, better, smarter and more sustainable building while adding profitability.


The Heart of Off-ite Construction

At the heart of success of off-site construction is what happens BEFORE even one piece of material is touched and one rivet connected or bolt driven. It is the masterpiece which is created in process engineering, preconstruction collaboration, 3D and BIM modeling, logistical planning, precise factory controlled manufacturing, and on-site knowledge. The result is a construction process and finished product that is faster, better, smarter, safer and more sustainable than the inefficient traditional methods.

Epowering the construction industry

The goal of Scottsdale is to empower construciton and help others apply this type of advanced and proven engineering technology and methodology to increase productivity and profits for the regional marketplace built upon the advantages of steel framing and off-site construction.